Some people are commenting that there aren't many butterflies around. Patrick Barham, writing in The Guardian, says not to panic! We see a first flush of the hibernators - brimstone, peacock, small tortoiseshell - when the warm weather comes, along with the orange tip, that harbinger or spring. But then the early ones get down to reproduction, so in June it's caterpillar time. Some are incredibly well-camouflaged, such as the orange tip. Others are bristly, to put off predators. Or weird shapes and colours, like the vapourer moth.
Then, come proper summer (we hope!) out come the flashy newly-emerged main summer brood and maybe the migrants such as the painted lady. It is thought that this may be a spectacular summer for butterflies: let's hope so. And please send us your photos to [email protected]. Comments are closed.
Photo: Avocets (Izzy Fry)
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January 2025