Come and support Young Nature Watch who will have a stand at the LEAF and Wiltshire Wildlife Trust fair at Langford Lakes this weekend - Hanging Langford, Salisbury, SP3 4PA [free entry]. Their wildlife inspired gifts are being made specially for the event and all proceeds for the Tisbury Natural History Society will be used to fund more activities, workshops and events to engage more young people with nature! We still have a few places in the Victoria Hall, Tisbury for you to come in person to hear Ian Dunn, the Chief Executive of Plantlife. It will be a fascinating opportunity to hear him talk and ask him questions. We can also send out Zoom links for those who prefer to stay at home. Guests welcome for £2 per ticket. Ian will give us his vision for the future and describe the challenges and opportunities that Plantlife’s conservation experts grapple with across Great Britain, working with landowners, businesses, other conservation organisations, community groups and governments, to save our rarest flora and ensure familiar flowers and plants continue to thrive. Bee landing on echium vulgare © Abby Eaton
Photo: Avocets (Izzy Fry)
The headers display photos taken by our members. Do get in touch via the Contact Form if you'd like to submit a photo for selection.
November 2024