Shaun Leonard, Director of The Wild Trout Trust came to talk to us last month. The subject of rivers and water quality has risen towards the top of society’s interest recently and that was borne out in the good turn out for this excellent speaker.
Shaun started by outlining the organisation whose aim is ‘helping and inspiring everyone to protect wild Trout and their habitat.’ The Trust partners many other likeminded organisations to pack a bigger punch for conservation, with a nationwide team of conservation officers. He then outlined the various problems that rivers are facing ~ Quality: namely pollution from sewage spills and from farming especially. Quantity: water extraction, especially in the South East of England and abuse, such as canalisation, obstructions, straightening, and dredging where the river is separated from its flood plain. Shaun then went on to present some interesting, thought-provoking interesting facts on trout especially on trout parasites. For example, on dissecting one he found the entire digestive system filled with worms. Another had choked on another fish whilst trying to eat another trout nearly as big as itself! Apparently eating other Trout is normal behaviour and trout fry can form a major proportion of their diet. Shaun finished his talk by showing us some practical projects The Trust have been involved with, from Scotland to Somerset. Locally this is the construction of a bypass channel to Daslett hatches at Sutton Mandeville, working with Nick Lawrence and David Holroyd, and habitat improvement on the Nadder. Trout fishing has progressed from manicured banks and stocking with large Rainbow Trout towards a completely different way of thinking where improving habitat to aid the recovery of wild Brown Trout in a wilder more natural environment. The Trust works with volunteers in practical demonstrations and fun days out as well as helping in restoration projects to remove weirs and reducing bunds for example. Shaun took questions throughout his excellent presentation and again at the end, covering subjects of close interest to the audience, so we all came away wiser and more informed. Peter Shallcross Comments are closed.
Photo: Avocets (Izzy Fry)
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August 2024