They've been around for at least 59million years - F111 fighter jets and the new Dreamliner have wing designs based on theirs - they migrate every single year over 14000 miles at 8000 feet - and they make our summers with their exhilarating screaming parties overhead. But there are now less than half of them, compared with 1995. Just some of the facts about swifts that stick in the mind after being inspired by Edward Mayer in our effots to help our Tisbury swifts. They are amazing! Far better than words, here are a couple of videos, one showing their amazing grooming acrobatics and one showing a team in Spain rearing young that have fallen from their nest - very cheering for a dreich February day. Go to Talks/WhatYouMissed for an account of Edward's talk and to Projects for what we're doing to keep them coming back to Tisbury. Comments are closed.
Photo: Avocets (Izzy Fry)
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January 2025