As well as birds, butterflies and bees are also now venturing out. Andrew Graham spotted small tortoisehells and a peacock at the top of the meadow that slopes down from Weaveland to the Oddford Brook, and Tim Jones reports them also in the Allotments, and a brimstone near Cuffs Lane. I had several small tortoiseshells trying to hibernate in my house in the autumn, but I encouraged them out on warm sunny days to find somewhere more appropriate. But a peacock obviously took up residence in my garage around that time - and it 'sleep-walks' rather disconcertingly. Do they do this throughout, or is it a sign it's waking up, I wonder? Then there's bees - we're encouraged to plant winter-flowering plants such as hellebores and honey bees have certainly enjoyed mine. And Dick Budden found this plump buff-tailed bumblebee queen enjoying his.
Please do let me know of anything you find and send in photos too, it's great to have your contributions. 12/8/2021 03:29:13 pm
Nice to be hearing about the site and making the more information as well, thanks for great updates as well. We can follow the site for great updates on scaffolding. Comments are closed.
Photo: Avocets (Izzy Fry)
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January 2025