Well, maybe - after all, it's never too late to despair.
A new form of plastic has been developed which degrades into harmless wax in less than a year if exposed to outdoor weather - wind, sun and rain. 'Polymateria Ltd was developed at Imperial College London. The firm aims to tackle the plastic problem head on, with a plan to launch their products as soon as possible in Asia, and to target the two most common types of polluting plastic polymers, polyurethane and polypropylene.' Packaging like sweet wrappers will be marked with a 'recycle by' date, but if the item is left out of doors it will take matters into its own hands, so to speak! and bio-degrade where it lies. It was Jenny Farrer, one of our members, who told me about this. Jenny also suggested Anna Lewington might give us a talk, and many of us will long remember what we learned about our lovely birch trees. So please, any other news or suggestions, do let me know at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
Photo: Avocets (Izzy Fry)
The headers display photos taken by our members. Do get in touch via the Contact Form if you'd like to submit a photo for selection.
February 2025