It couldn't be better timed: Wessex Museums Wildlife in the Red is their first online exhibition, and all I can say is, more! more! It's beautifully presented, full of fascinating information, and points the way to how we can help.
'Wildlife in the Red presents a range of natural history objects and environmental issues. From birds to butterflies, flowers to fish… explorers once scoured the globe to find exotic species to display in museums or private collections. They tell stories of collectors and early environmentalists, but also of species that have been pushed to the brink of extinction.' Each of the four focuses on a particular collection - Poole Museum on Sawfish - woe! I missed International Sawfish Day on 17 October; The Wiltshire Museum in Devizes on Donald Grose's Flora of Wiltshire (which we helped with at a later stage); The Salisbury Museum's Great Bustards - a subject close to our hearts!; and the Dorset Museum in Dorchester on Bees - there is a housing development that required bee bricks into every building: why can't they all do that?! Each museum poses key questions for you to answer. And they all include information on specialist organisations you can support and wonderful information to download, such as Plantlife's Spotter Sheets. I've just had a look, but I'll be back several times - a wonderful way to forget the storm howling round outside and other worries. This is superbly presented, money could not have been better spent. Comments are closed.
Photo: Avocets (Izzy Fry)
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January 2025