We look forward to seeing you on Tisbury's Community Field at 6pm this Saturday. Parking is available at the Nadder Centre and you can walk down the track beside the swimming pool to reach us on the field.
There’ll be a Wildflower Treasure Hunt and a Wildlife Mystery Quiz to amuse both young and not-so-young, and for whole families working together. Come early and get stuck in; the grand prize giving will be at 7:00PM. We’ll provide a glass (or rather, paper cup) of wine &/or other drinks, and some nibbles, but please bring your own picnic or snacks (do avoid anything breakable, or glass) and something to sit on if you wish. At the moment the weather app is saying it's going to be a warm, sunny evening on Saturday. If it changes to a rainy forecast, we'll put a notice up on the blog about the change to an inside venue. Comments are closed.
Photo: Avocets (Izzy Fry)
The headers display photos taken by our members. Do get in touch via the Contact Form if you'd like to submit a photo for selection.
February 2025