It's also The Global Bird Weekend! when it is aimed to create a world record for the largest number of birds seen by the greatest number of people on this peak migration weekend. Our swifts are long gone and we hope safely across the Channel. House martins have had a bad time trying to cross, but swallows are still sometimes to be seen. It is hoped that at least 25,000 participants will go out birdwatching on Saturday 17 October 2020. The goal is to record more than 6,000 bird species. All you have to do to join in is go out birdwatching and enjoy what you see – with family, friends, groups or just take time out on your own - and then report it using a free eBird Account. For full details, go to the website Comments are closed.
Photo: Avocets (Izzy Fry)
The headers display photos taken by our members. Do get in touch via the Contact Form if you'd like to submit a photo for selection.
October 2024