This nature photography workshop was led by Abby Eaton. She was joined by Craig Morris, a wildlife and bird photographer who'd helped her get to grips with her own photography and was an RSPB guide at their reserve near Sandy in Bedfordshire. They invited people 'to learn some great camera basics with your mobile and try a DSLR while trying to snap something fly past at 90mph. We'll even tell you what it was.' ![]() Izzy Fry, who is co-organiser for YNW with Ines and whose great blog brightens my own life, was among the small group who walked round Fonthill Lake, where there's plenty of opportunity to practise photography skills. She said, 'We learned how to use a camera and tried out different lenses. We walked through fields looking for bugs and butterflies, woodland for birds and leaves and round the lake watching grey wagtails and dragonflies. My favourite subjects were the ladybirds, leaves, brimstone butterflies, grey wagtails, blackberries and dragonflies! We tried our different lenses, including large zooms and wide angled and we were given advice and support on using the camera manual settings.' 'It was a really enjoyable morning and I learnt so much with the expert advice from Abby and Craig. It was a fab day out and we'll certainly be planning more.' Abby and Craig challenged the group to take a photo of a 'clip-on' robin in the most unusual way (??!!). The winner was Izzy, the runner up Shauna. Here are their prizes!
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Young Nature Watch (YNW) is a branch of the Tisbury and District Natural History Society (T&DNHS).
YNW is free for under-21s! Young people always have priority at any of our activities but accompanying adults are required for under-12s. For adults, annual membership for the T&DNHS (£10) or a £2 fee per event (for non-members) is due. Download our annual programme below! ![]()
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YNW logo design by Izzy Fry.
January 2025