In December, we will have a nut hunt. We will be walking on a woodland owned by the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust looking for hazelnuts with teeth marks from wood mice, bank voles and dormice! These marks are visible with the naked eye but you are welcome to bring small magnifying lenses if you have any. We will be sharing our records with the Mammal Society via an app called Mammal Mapper or iRecord. If you have any of these apps on your phone, we can show you how to use them if you've never done it before, so you can repeat the hunt by yourself another time and log in your sightings.
We will aim to have three separate young groups covering different areas of the wood, one group will be young families, one group teenagers and one group young people of any age! Please get in touch if you are interested in coming and tell us what group you will be joining. We are conducting an anonymous survey that you can fill in if you identify as young (young people of any age and young-at-heart) and meet any of the following criteria:
- If you are in our mailing list - If you are a member of the society - If you are none of the above but live in the area and are interested in nature If you came to any of our events before, we would like to gather feedback on what you think of our past experience and what you would like to see improved for 2022. You can also reply to the survey if you are interested but have never joined for whatever reason. The survey is anonymous so please feel free to let us know what you think we've done right and we've done wrong! Link to survey Congratulations to Izzy Fry, who raised some money at the Langford Lakes eco friendly X+ fair last weekend. She is donating all the profits to the society to contribute to the organisation of future activities!
Instagram picture Izzy will be also selling at the fair at Wardour School on the 1st of December, don't miss it! What is Izzy selling? |
Young Nature Watch (YNW) is a branch of the Tisbury and District Natural History Society (T&DNHS).
YNW is free for under-21s! Young people always have priority at any of our activities but accompanying adults are required for under-12s. For adults, annual membership for the T&DNHS (£10) or a £2 fee per event (for non-members) is due. Download our annual programme below! ![]()
Join our mailing list to be the first to hear about our events! You can also follow us on:
YNW logo design by Izzy Fry.
January 2025