Happy new year to all Young Nature Watchers!
We had a fantastic nut hunt last December, see our Facebook post (link) and one of the participants pictures on Instagram (link) to find out more about how it went. Nut hunts are a superb way of helping wildlife charities and researchers tracking the presence/absence in specific areas of endangered species such as dormice. As it is a completely unintrusive survey method, you can be sure that you won't disturb any little critter and you won't need a license to look for nuts in the forest floor (most other ways of dormice surveying require a license). Find out more about nut hunts in the PTES website. We hope our nutty participants will put their new knowledge into practice in woodlands of their choice! Comments are closed.
Young Nature Watch (YNW) is a branch of the Tisbury and District Natural History Society (T&DNHS).
YNW is free for under-21s! Young people always have priority at any of our activities but accompanying adults are required for under-12s. For adults, annual membership for the T&DNHS (£10) or a £2 fee per event (for non-members) is due. Download our annual programme below! ![]()
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YNW logo design by Izzy Fry.
January 2025