Calling all Young Nature Watchers!
It is competition time. Do you get a bit fed up between Christmas and New Year? The grown-ups seem to spend a lot of time snoring and you’ve enjoyed all of your presents. We may have the solution! Every year, the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland has a New Year Plant Hunt. This year it will run from December 30th 2023 until January 2nd 2024. During that window of opportunity, you should go outside with your family and friends and try to find and photograph any flowers that are blooming. When you get home, try to identify your finds and send us your photos. We will collate all of the entries and submit them to the Botanical Society as a group entry. There will be prizes available for people aged under 10 and those aged 10 – 21 years so please let us know your name and age and a way to contact you or your family when you submit the photograph. We will try to display all entries on our website. Good luck and happy flower hunting! Comments are closed.
Young Nature Watch (YNW) is a branch of the Tisbury and District Natural History Society (T&DNHS).
YNW is free for under-21s! Young people always have priority at any of our activities but accompanying adults are required for under-12s. For adults, annual membership for the T&DNHS (£10) or a £2 fee per event (for non-members) is due. Download our annual programme below! ![]()
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YNW logo design by Izzy Fry.
January 2025