Join us on the 8th of February between 10 am and 12 pm to build dormouse nest boxes from a small number of ready-to-assemble kits we have ordered. Please note this is a very special event as dormice box kits are not easily available on the market and participants won't be able to take the boxes home because a license is required to check them!
We will deploy the boxes in spring in the hedgerow of a public area in Tisbury, where we would like to find out if there is dormice presence (there used to be more than 10 years ago). At the end of the survey season (19th of October, between 9.30 to 11 am), you will be able to help us carry out the box checks (under the supervision of license-holders). After this, we will remove the boxes and we will deploy them in 2026 in a National Dormouse Monitoring Programme local site. You can find out more about the boxes we will be building and the People's Trust for Endangered Species dormice monitoring on their website. Get in touch if you would like to join us! Comments are closed.
Young Nature Watch (YNW) is a branch of the Tisbury and District Natural History Society (T&DNHS).
YNW is free for under-21s! Young people always have priority at any of our activities but accompanying adults are required for under-12s. For adults, annual membership for the T&DNHS (£10) or a £2 fee per event (for non-members) is due. Download our annual programme below! ![]()
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YNW logo design by Izzy Fry.
January 2025